Women and The Love of Inner Thigh Exercises
For many women having sexy thighs is an absolute must for sexier legs. Inner thigh exercises are an important fitness concern for them as the look to improve on their physical appearance. A nice lower body of a woman is attractive and the key is having the right proportion of waist to hips and thighs. What women don't realize is that they don't really need any fancy or expensive machine and can do most if not all of their thigh training at home.
Key Factors to Better Looking Thighs
Not only is the right inner thigh exercise important to getting the look you want but a combination of inner thigh exercises, full body workouts and proper nutrition all play an important role. For results to happen quickly all of these must be a part of your plan to get those thighs to look and appear the way you want. Listed below will be some exercises and stretching techniques that will help you achieve the sexy legs you've been wanting.
Lunges Work the Front of Your Thighs
Lunges are an exercise that work the front part of the thigh and can be done with or without weights. Simply start in a standing position and with your feet almost shoulder with apart. Take a barbell in each hand and hold them by your sides. Make sure you keep your back straight and slowly step forward with one leg as you inhale. Take a long stride, and lower you body slowly down until your knees almost touch the floor. As you exhale and shift your weight backwards on your heels return to the starting position.
Running Stairs for Lean Firm Thighs
Though some women want to slim their thighs there are those that want to add a little muscle while toning. Running stairs will not only work your thighs but also your butt and calves as well. Start with one to two flights of stairs. Run up the stairs as fast as you can while making sure to skip every other step and once to the top walk back down.
Squats For Gaining Some Mass and Toning
I'm not big on squats for my client since most the women I work with are looking to lose both fat and muscle in their thigh area. For women looking to gain a little size to their thighs this is a great exercise and you don't have to worry about become too bulky because women just don't produce the testosterone that men do. I recommend that if you are going to do squats lift heavier weights and lower repetitions.
Seated Butterfly Stretches
Seated butterflies are one of the inner thigh exercises that more so work and stretch the inner thighs. You first start by sitting straight up on an exercise mat. Take your feet and bring them towards each other so that the soles of your feet touch. Pull them as close to your body as possible and rest your hands on your feet so that you can apply slight pressure to your inner thighs and hold this position for 30-45 seconds.
Romanian Deadlifts to Work the Back of Your Legs
This exercise is a must in order to work your hamstrings. Your hamstrings are your muscles on the back of your leg that run from the back of your knee all the way up to your butt and Romanian Deadlifts will work that entire area. Grab barbells keeping them shoulder width and stand with your feet at shoulder width. Lower the weights to the top of your feet by bending at the hips. Bend your knees as you lower but keep your waist straight and back parallel to the floor. When lifting the barbells off the floor extend at your hips and knees until you are in the starting position.