How to Lose Belly Fat While Eating the Foods You Like
By Thomas S Moore
Eating cake, enjoying pasta and other foods are not a problem when it comes to losing belly fat. The problem is, not to over indulge in the amounts that are consumed and staying under "YOUR" needed daily calorie intake. Not your friend's, mother's, or co-workers calorie intake but your own.
Okay, it's not a secret that you can lose belly fat and still eat the foods that you like. No, I'm not playing with your emotions or giving you a bunch of B.S! The fact is that losing belly fat requires you to just reduce your calorie intake. In other words as long as you eat less than the calories you burn you can pretty much eat what you want.
What Is He Talking About?
Well let's just say for arguments sake your body burns 2,000 calories per day. You normally eat 3 to 4 meals per day including a one or two snacks. As long as your total calorie intake is less than the 2,000 calories your body needs then it really doesn't matter what you eat, you will lose weight because you are below what your body burns for fuel.
How is this possible?
Your body uses calories for fuel on a day to day basis; however, if you don't provide your body with enough calories it will simply burn its own fuel reserve. Do you know what that fuel reserve is? FAT! That's right if you don't provide your body with enough calories it will simply just use your body fat for fuel.
It's really just that simple
So, you can eat what you like but just make sure that you are not going over what your body requires for calories per day or per week (this is what I use). Simply just watching the amount of calories you eat and staying below what your body requires will not only allow you to burn fat and lose weight but also enjoy foods and life.
NOTE: Don't make things harder than that have to be. Just stay under that amount of calories that your body burns daily and you will lose weight. The problem is most women have no idea how many calories they burn daily. We'll talk about that in another post!
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Thomas S. Moore
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